2,000 Percent LIVING

You'll learn how to live a much more fruitful life for the Lord through gaining Salvation (if needed), re-dedicating your life to Him (if needed), and being more focused on sanctification. Establish more Godly objectives, help lead more people to gain Salvation, and engage in your calling from Him in more effective ways through the Bible-based directions in 2,000 Percent LIVING, my latest book.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Announcing Enjoy Football Better than a Billionaire

Good Morning, Live Better than a Billionaire-a-Holics!

Are you feeling motivated this morning? I certainly hope so. I know that I am!

A number of people have suggested that I simplify this blog.

Beginning this morning, I've created a new blog, Enjoy Football Better than a Billionaire which you can find at http://enjoyfootballbetterthanabillionaire.blogspot.com/.

At that site, I've initially copied over just the football- and Super Bowl-related entries from this blog. From time to time I'll add other posts there as well that will not appear here.

I hope this will help you find billionaire living inspiration when you need it!

Please feel free to let me know what else you would like to learn, and I'll do my best to help in future blog entries.

Thanks so much for your support of this blog. I'm delighted that so many tens of thousands of people have made this blog part of their regular reading habit!

If you like this blog, please let others know who might also enjoy it.

May God bless you.

Donald W. Mitchell, Your Dream Concierge

Copyright 2005 Donald W. Mitchell

Promote Your Ideas for Less than Five Dollars Extra a Day

Good morning, Live Better than a Billionaire-a-Holics!

Are you feeling motivated this morning? I certainly hope so. I know that I am!

Perhaps you're an author. Or maybe you've just invented an exciting new product. Or possibly you are passionate about a charitable cause. Potentially, you just have an idea for making everyone's life better. Whatever drives you to want to share, this blog entry's for you.

A billionaire has many choices for getting attention. She or he can hire any press agent in the world. Advertising can be bought. Free copies of material can consume whole forests. Like the political candidates who sometimes spend $100,000 for each vote they receive, money is no object. But success may still elude the billionaire. When was the last time you voted for a billionaire? When was the last time a billionaire you voted for was elected?

Low-Cost, Effective Promotions

1. Write a Blog

Many services such as www.blogger.com offer free hosting and templates.

2. Write an e-Book

Many services are very inexpensive such as www.lightningsource.com which I use for the e-Book edition of The 2,000 Percent Solution.

3. Book Yourself on Internet Radio Interview Shows

Most of these programs accept e-mails from potential guests so you don't have to pay extra to make initial contact unless you have a dial-up Internet service.

4. Contact Your Local Newspaper

If you haven't been profiled before, you have a good chance of being profiled now. Most local papers will do at least one idea-related article for residents. It's usually a local telephone call.

5. Contact Opt-in List Owners on the Web about Alerting Readers to Your Idea

Most e-letters and e-zines include a contact e-mail address. Share what you want them to write about, and many will if your subject is consistent with their audience.

6. Post onto on-line Forums and Message Boards

Related subject readers will see your idea. Reporters often dig into these sources also, so you may also attract media attention beyond your expectations. Use your favorite search engine to find related places to post.

7. Contact Influential People Who Can Endorse or Promote Your Idea

You can generally find a contact by looking them up with a search engine. For authors, you can always mail to them via their publisher and the letter will get there.

8. Publicize the Endorsements and Promotions You Receive from Influential People

This can be done both on your blog and on your book listing at on-line book stores for free.

9. Solicit e-gifts that you can give people for free downloading when they act on your idea.

Many authors and authorities will be glad to provide such e-gifts as a way to publicize their ideas.

10. Buy inexpensive business cards that describe where to read about your idea on-line and hand out the cards to everyone you meet.

Give those who seem the most interested extra cards to hand out to others. I found www.VistaPrint.com to be an inexpensive source of design-it-yourself business cards.

Please share your other ideas and elaborations in comments. I'll add the best suggestions to this list and give you credit.

What are you waiting for? Your idea deserves your promotional activities!

Tomorrow, I'll tell you about an exciting new and inexpensive way for people with dyslexia to learn to read well.

Saturday, I'll share with you how you can automatically water your indoor plants while you are away . . . so you can give your butler and maid time off while you're away!

Sunday, let's take a minute to think about the best ways to spend a day not working.

Monday, leisure time during a busy day is our subject. So just get ready to chill.

Tuesday, let's look at new ways to enjoy visiting mansions!

Wednesday, we'll update the blog on what are the least expensive ways to lose weight right now!

Next Thursday, you'll get a close look at the upcoming NFL season, and especially the Thursday Night game where the Oakland Raiders come to New England to watch the Patriots put up their third world championship banner.

Next Friday, I'll describe how you can learn a foreign language in less than 100 days and have more fun than a billionaire when you travel abroad.

Next Saturday, we'll take a closer look at Trump University's Web course on Wealth Creation, delivered by The Donald and other experts.

Please let me know what else you would like to learn, and I'll do my best to help in future blog entries.

If you are new to this blog, be sure to check out the updated table of contents entry that was posted on August 31. It will help you find earlier entries that may be of interest. I'll update this table of contents every week or so for your convenience.

August 31 was the most frequently read blog entry to date. Be sure to check it out!

Thanks so much for your support of this blog. I'm delighted that so many tens of thousands of people have made this blog part of their regular reading habit!

If you like this blog, please let others know who might also enjoy it.

Thank you to my many friends, students, clients and blog readers who are spreading the good word about this blog.

If you are visiting today because someone invited you, I'm delighted to meet you! Let's stay in touch.

Remember to check out Live Spiritually Better than a Billionaire at http://livespirituallybetterthanabillionaire.blogspot.com/ and Enjoy Mansions Better than a Billionaire at http://enjoymansionsbetterthanabillionaire.blogspot.com/.

May God bless you.

Donald W. Mitchell, Your Dream Concierge

Copyright 2005 Donald W. Mitchell