Hado Water to Improve Health and Quality of Life
Good morning, Live Better than a Billionaire-a-Holics!
Are you feeling motivated this morning? I certainly hope so. I know that I am!
Have you heard or read about Dr. Marasu Emoto's research on how thought, music and prayer affect the crystalline structure of freezing water?
Are you interested in having greater health?
Do you enjoy trying new things that don't cost any money?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, today's post may help you capture some delightful improvements.
As my introduction to today's subject, I have copied my review of The True Power of Water below. For those who want to know more about today's blog entry, you should probably plan to read this book.
Must Read Book for Those Who Liked The Hidden Messages in Water, October 22, 2005
Reviewer: | Donald Mitchell "Your Dream Concierge: Live Better than the Rich by reading my daily blog at http://livebetterthanabillionaireon5dollars.blogspot.com" (a citizen of the world based on Boston) - See all my reviews![]() ![]() |
I have been interested in learning more about Dr. Emoto's work in water crystal photography since I first saw some of these images at Jack Canfield's Breakthrough to Success seminar in August. My first step was to register at the library to borrow a copy of The Hidden Messages in Water. In the meantime, I saw that he would be speaking at the Learning Annex in New York City on October 6, and I went to the lecture. I came away with a stronger desire than ever to learn more, and was positively impressed by Dr. Emoto's sincerity in observing that his work has raised by more questions that it has answered. Finally, The Hidden Messages in Water became available, and I read and enjoyed that book. I was pleased to see that it explained more than his lecture.
I also ordered a copy of The True Power of Water to see what it contains. The book arrived yesterday, and it turned out to be a happy surprise when I read it last night.
First, Dr. Emoto explains his research methods more in this book than he did in The Hidden Messages in Water or in the lecture. The key piece of new information about the method is that after the water is frozen, the water is thawed. As the ice thaws, crystals begin to form around the edges of the ice. It is those crystals that are photographed by Dr. Emoto's staff.
Second, Dr. Emoto tells more about how the discoveries were made and his own background. He doesn't come from a scientific background . . . but rather than a perspective as an interested inquirer. He has gone about this the way most of us might do so.
But he has enlisted the help of people with scientific training to help him develop the methods.
Third, Dr. Emoto explains how HADO (vibrations) can cleanse water of its sources of pollution and improve your health. Basically, you expose water to certain kinds of writing and music. In addition, you emphasize HADO intensive foods.
He offers anecdotal evidence that these approaches might work.
Since there's not much involved to follow his advice, I decided to try it. I now have my own HADO bottle of water being cleansed and I plan to eat more of the HADO-intensive foods (they just happened to be among my favorites anyway).
It's too soon to tell how it will all work out, but I don't think I can go very far wrong eating more vegetables and drinking more pure water.
I suggest that you read and apply this book if you liked The Hidden Messages in Water. It cannot do you any harm . . . and it just might help you.
As before the photographs are wonderful. I was especially interested in the images that showed overcoming pollution and the negative effects of microwave energy (from ovens, cell phones and computers) with prayers and music.
May God bless you!
If you want to know more background, here is my review of The Hidden Messages in Water. There is some repetition from the review above.
A Different Look at Thought, October 18, 2005
Reviewer: | Donald Mitchell "Your Dream Concierge: Live Better than the Rich by reading my daily blog at http://livebetterthanabillionaireon5dollars.blogspot.com" (a citizen of the world based on Boston) - See all my reviews![]() ![]() |
If you are looking for a thorough scientific explanation of what Dr. Emoto found and his methodology, this is the wrong book for you.
If you want to understand his process for understanding how water crystals may be affected by thought, prayer, music and writing, the book is excellent. In fact, the book explains his work much better than the public lecture did. And the book is a lot cheaper than the lecture was.
I was glad to have attended the lecture, however. It gave me a sense of Dr. Emoto who seems to be a genuinely humble and open seeker after truth.
As he pointed out in the lecture, his work has raised more questions than answers. But he does give us some theories that will intrigue you. Perhaps the most interesting and important one is that humans can uniquely create earthly harmony by their vibrations.
If you are not familiar with his work, he developed a way to take photographs of frozen water that resemble snowflake photographs. While snowflakes vary in the same storm due to local conditions, water crystals seem to vary due to other factors. Pollution and other forms of human interaction appear to play a role.
Dr. Emoto shows that human interaction can also create disharmony.
The photographs are quite eloquent by themselves. If you looked at them merely for artistic purposes, you would enjoy this book.
Many of his observations are based on spiritual beliefs such as in reincarnation so you can take those parts as you will. But they are not essential to enjoying the book.
I found that I have changed several things in my life since the lecture. I bathe myself in as much beautiful and elegant classical music as possible. I used to do that and am enjoying my return to this practice. I also take time to retune my thoughts to make them more harmonious. I find that my creativity has been aided by this, and my latest book writing work has gone much better as a result.
For skeptics, Dr. Emoto claims that others have repeated his results. I don't know about that, but I'm sure you could check it out if you are interested.
I appreciated his reference to Rupert Sheldrake's work on morphic resonance. I had thought of the parallels when I listened to the lecture. If you are not familiar with Sheldrake, he believes that thoughts affect the physical form of the world and the minds of others. He points to experiments where people learn faster after more people have learned something . . . even if they have no physical or written contact with one another.
With The Hidden Messages in Water, I felt like another piece of the puzzle about what thought is and isn't fell into place.
Dr. Emoto has also started a project to share 650 million copies of this work with young people so that they can sooner learn to live in harmony.
I think this book will provide many interesting epiphanies for you. Check it out!
You can also read my blog entry for October 13 where I summarized Dr. Emoto's lecture at the Learning Annex.
For those who would like to see some of the water crystals, go to http://www.hado.net/.
I have noticed several things since I began the HADO diet and water intake program:
First, my skin seems about 15 years younger. I had started to develop liver spots on my hands, and they are gone. A lot of my wrinkles are gone. In addition, my skin has a shiny glow that it hasn't had in years;
Second, I can taste things better than before. All foods and beverages taste delicious now.
Third, the HADO water I drink now has a crispness and clean taste that leaves my mouth feeling zesty. It is much more refreshing than the other water I drink when I am away from home.
It's only been a few days, so I'll update you in a few weeks to see what other changes have occurred.
You'll have to get the list of HADO-intensive foods from the book, The True Power of Water. But I can explain how you can develop your own HADO water.
Here are some steps you can take to prepare and drink the water.
1. Buy some mineral water.
Tap water is hard to purify because the chlorine seems to affect the structure even after the chlorine evaporates according to Dr. Emoto's research.
2. Keep a gallon or two of mineral water in front of a music source where you can play purifying water music.
I use my Bose Wave Radio and CD Player as my music source. I usually listen to a classical station all day while I'm working or play classical CDs when the commercials get to me. I keep two gallon containers full of water in front of the speakers. In Dr. Emoto's two books, you can find out the names of various symphonies and songs that produce great crystals. Some of these musical sources of HADO include Beethoven's Ninth, John Lennon's Imagine, and Amazing Grace.
3. Prepare a HADO bottle of water.
This process if highly individual. Start with a clear glass jar. One that holds about a quart is fine.
Peel and clean off the outside of the jar.
Cut out small pieces of paper (about 3" by 5").
Write messages on the pieces of paper.
One message should be "Love and Gratitude". If you have some illness or pain you want to go away, another message can be "[Name of pain or illness] Has Gone". A third message should be "The eternal power of the universe has gathered itself to create a world with true and grand harmony". I also suggest you put a message on another sheet of paper with the name of your religion.
Tape these messages onto the outside of the container so that they face inward towards the water. Put them in different places on the outside so that no message obscures any other message in facing the water inside.
Keep this HADO jar full of mineral water that has been in front of your speakers that have been vibrating with high HADO music.
Keep the water away from microwaves, televisions, computers and cell phones. All of those energy sources harm the structure of water as shown in Dr. Emoto's photographs.
4. Drink as often as possible from the HADO jar and refill it.
Drink the amount of water that's healthy for you. But try to get as much of that water as possible from this jar. You can carry some of the water with you when you are away from your source.
5. Be thankful as you drink the water.
Dr. Emoto's experiments suggest that you will further purify the water if you say or think the following thoughts as you drink the water:
"We love you, water."
"Thank you, water."
"We will take care of you, water."
I also thank God for the water as I drink it.
7. Notice any changes that occur after you begin drinking HADO water and eating high HADO foods.
You may notice no changes . . . or you may notice quite a few. Finding some improvement is essential to seeing whether this approach is for you.
Please add your comments about ways you have found to create and benefit from high HADO foods and water. I'm sure other readers will be grateful to you. Thanks!
Billionaires often do few things for themselves, and can be distracted by their busy financial lives. Creating the right vibrations in your life is something that you have to do for yourself.
A billionaire is more likely to have pure water flown in from some obscure glacial source. But that water, if not handled properly, will not be as pure as what you drink from your HADO bottle.
N.B. As you can tell, I'm experimenting with color. Let me know what you like and what I should change about my use of color. Many thanks to Linda Grace for her suggestions which I am following!
Please let me know what else you would like to learn, and I'll do my best to help in future blog entries.
Tomorrow, let's sit quietly and think about how prayer can enrich your Sundays.
On Monday, join me in looking at how blog writing can enrich your life better than a billionaire.
Tuesday, we'll look at how to enjoy your next (or first) cruise more.
On Wednesday, I'll share the story with you of the "accidental mansion owner" and I promise that you'll chuckle for days over this one.
Thursday, let's explore plans for a terrific Thanksgiving.
On Friday, I'll describe my fantastic visit to the University of Michigan-Penn State game in Ann Arbor and advise you on even more ways to enjoy college football.
Saturday, we'll sit back and relax with our favorite music . . . and gain new benefits in the process.
On Sunday, let's listen to some great spiritual music to soothe your soul.
August 31 was the most frequently read blog entry to date. Be sure to check it out!
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Remember to also visit
Live Spiritually Better than a Billionaire at http://livespirituallybetterthanabillionaire.blogspot.com/,
Be More Successful than a Billionaire at http://bemoresuccessfulthanabillionaire.blogspot.com/,
Enjoy Mansions Better than a Billionaire at http://enjoymansionsbetterthanabillionaire.blogspot.com/,
Enjoy Football Better than a Billionaire at http://enjoyfootballbetterthanabillionaire.blogspot.com/ and
Be a World Hero Better than a Billionaire at http://beaworldherobetterthanabillionaire.blogspot.com/.
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May God bless you.
Donald W. Mitchell, Your Dream Concierge
Copyright 2005 Donald W. Mitchell